The Power of Gut Feelings

I was reminded about the power of gut feeling recently. One of my clients had met someone who had been referred by a colleague. He looked great on paper. He interviewed well. Something was wrong however. Something didn’t add up. My client knew I’d met him more than once so phoned me to ask for my opinion. Without trying to play the role of judge, jury and executioner I simply said that he should dig deeper. If he had a gut feeling something was amiss – in my experience it probably was.
So what the hell is gut feeling?
Why is it so powerful?
Well it appears gut feeling is exactly that. The same information processors (neurons) that surround that thing we call the brain, also surround the heart and the intestines!
As I read more there was a common thread. When you’re self aware, you get a gut feeling. There’s wisdom in the body.
Damn! – I knew I should have trusted my gut and never employed that train wreck. There was always an excuse and she had been a negative influence on the whole team. Man she was a nightmare! It might have ben 20 years ago but it still irks me.
I should have listened to my gut.
Take outs:
- Gut feelings are extremely powerful.
- If it doesn’t feel good it probably isn’t. Equally if it does feel good it probably is.
- Past events can effect gut feelings so consider all the facts before you take action.