A Date With Destiny

Someone I know well called me the other day. For privacy purposes I’ll call him Abe.DatewithDestiny

Abe is a typical middle aged person starting to question what life is all about. He wants to be passionate about what he does. He wants to have a purpose.

“You know I hate my job” he said. “I’m just going through the motions”. “The traffic’s killing me”. “An hour each way”.

“Why don’t you resign?” I asked.

“I just don’t know, I’ve got my new business all set up”. ”The numbers make sense – it’s a no-brainer” continued Abe.

FEAR’s holding you back” was my response.

“No it’s not. I’m just worried that things might not work out. What if I have to dip into my cash reserves?” “I might miss out on my bonus” he quipped.

FEAR is holding you back”.

After a couple of moments he acknowledged; “You’re right you know; fear is holding me back”.

“How about you set a date to make a change?” “Stop thinking about it and take action”.



When procrastination is clear and your mind chatter is driving you crazy, one of my suggestions is to

I like to call it, “a date with destiny”.  Think of it as a date to turn the page to a brand new chapter in your life. Your life experience.


These are a few take out reasons why?

  1. Setting a date is liberating. It allows for a subconscious acknowledgment of freedom.
  2. By setting a date you take control. It’s empowering and as a result you’ll experience clarity of mind.
  3. Setting a date provides a definitive “light at the end of the tunnel” so to speak. It provides a window to focus on, an opportunity to take a deep breath and re-energise.
  4. You’ll find excitement overtaking anxiety emotionally – you’ll be less stressed as small things dissolve into the petty distractions that they actually are.
  5. Most importantly you’ll witness that “thoughts become things!”

#EvolvingTalent #LifeBalance

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